Care at regular intervals
For many years, Orgelbau Krawinkel has been entrusted with the service and maintenance of numerous organs with a wide range of systems.
Currently, we are caring at regular intervals for more than 300 organs in Germany and other European countries. These organs include very rare and valuable historical instruments as well as large organs with innovative organ technology.
To us, the service and maintenance of a pipe organ does not only mean providing a regular tuning service for the instrument, but also includes the customised service and maintenance necessary for each individual organ. At all times, our top priority is to preserve and improve the instrument over a long period of time.
All tuning and servicing is done by experienced organ builders. For the experts at Orgelbau Krawinkel, it is of great importance that all tuning work is performed outside the heating period to avoid damage to the pipes.
We cater for all voicing requirements, including pure mean-tone tuning and also covering a variety of "well-tempered" voicings and the popular equal temperament.