Exercising experience and diligence to create the perfect instrument
At Krawinkel Orgelbau, our aim is to preserve any (precious) organ which is typical of its time, its area, or its builder, and which is significant in terms of musicology. We believe that an organ attests to the sound perception, manufacturing practice, craftsmanship and artistry of the organ builders of past times.
At Krawinkel Orgelbau, we endeavour to integrate our rich experience in the field of historic organs into our restoration work and the building of new organs alike. We feel particularly indebted to the local organ building tradition which created instruments with their own specific character.

The work of an organ restorer
Prior to actually restoring an organ, the restorer must first take stock of the instrument as a basis for future, replicable decisions. In the course of the actual restoration work, the restorer furnishes a more detailed description of the organ, specifically describing the case, facade, console, tracker and stop actions, wind system, windchests, and pipes.
All work done is described, including a list of all materials used. The restorer takes photographs and makes drawings to document the condition of the organ before and after the restoration work. Upon completion of the work, the restorer prepares an extensive documentation that includes reports on work done, important archive material containing any relevant information, sketches, pictures and tape recordings before and after the restoration.
This elaborate documentation is necessary so that the original organ substance can be distinguished from the restoration work, and to provide important information concerning the materials and methods used, in the event of future restoration work.
Only if monumental organs are preserved and documented, can lasting quality for the future be assured.
Organ Restoration and Rebuilding (only available in German language)

Building new organs
At Krawinkel Orgelbau, we also use our rich experience in the field of historic organ craftsmanship to design and build new organs. Our knowledge of the old masters' expertise inspires us in the construction of contemporary organs.
New Organs (only available in German language)